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Server-Sent Events

The server-sent events are sent to the user's browser. It supports the two modes : events and data only.


Read the /tmp/dataFile and send a data only message to browser on each new line

$sse = new Domframework\Sse ();
$sse->setBackendFiles ("/tmp/dataFile")
    ->loop ();

Manage the ping (not used message used to keep the connection opened). Send one ping each 30s.

require ("domframework/sse.php");
$sse = new Domframework\Sse ();
$sse->setBackendFiles ("/tmp/dataFile")
    ->setPingTime (30)
    ->loop ();

Read the /tmp/dataFile and each new line is passed into a method which modify it before sending the result to the browser

function eventModifier ($event)
  return strtoupper ($event);

$sse = new Domframework\Sse ();
$sse->setBackendFiles ("/tmp/dataFile")
    ->loop ();

In case of events, the name of the event must be used in the setBackendFiles :

$sse = new Domframework\Sse ();
$sse->setBackendFiles ("event1" => "/tmp/dataFile")
    ->loop ();

In case of events, the name of the event must be used in the Handler :

$sse = new Domframework\Sse ();
$sse->setBackendFiles ("event1" => "/tmp/dataFile")
    ->setHandlers(array ("event1" => __NAMESPACE__."\\eventModifier"))
    ->loop ();

The class definition

Class Domframework\Sse

Namespace Domframework


 This class allow to manage Server-Sent Events
 The browser will be connected to a not ending loop. This loop will send
 ping regularly. If the backend value change, it will be sent to the
 The backend will be a file for each event name. Each line of the file will
 be sent when it will be added
 The developper can use a handler to read/modify each event before it is
 send to the user.


No property available


final public function loop ()
 This method is called by the user's browser.
 It send the "ping" each X second and send the backend content if it
 is updated.
 Never return !

final public function setBackendFiles ( $files)
 The backend Files to use.
 The backend directory used to store the files must exists and be readable
 If array (namedEvent => filePath, "data" => dataFilePath);
 If string dataFilePath
 @param string|array $files The files to use
 @return $this

final public function setHandlerDataonly ( $handler, $params=null)
 The optional handler to use in DataOnly. Must be callable method
 @param callable|null $handler The handler
 If callable is null, remove the handler for this event
 @param mixed... $params The optional needed parameters

final public function setHandlersEvent ( $handlers, $params=null)
 The optional handler to use in Events. Must be array of callable methods
 @param array $handlers The handlers method, array[event=>callable]
 @param array|mixed $params The parameters of the handlers
 If callable is null, remove the handler for this event
 @param array|null $params The optional needed parameters
 if event=>null is set, remove the parameters for the event

final public function setPingTime ( $pingTime)
 The pingTime to use. Must be positive. If null, the ping is disabled
 @param integer|float $pingTime The time in seconds between two keepalive