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Rate-limiter with file backend

The rate limit forbid return false if there is too much called to the "set" methods in a time period.

It need to store the data in a file by identifier. By default, the data/ratelimit/ directory is used, but it can be changed in $storageDir.

By default, the rate-limiter is configured for 10 calls in 60 seconds, but it can be configured by $maxEntries and $unittime properties.

In the following example, the identifier is error-$ipClient.

$ratelimiter = new Domframework\Ratelimitfile ();
/** The maximum number of entries by specified unit time */
$ratelimiter->maxEntries = 10;
/** The unit time in seconds */
$ratelimiter->unittime = 60;
$ipClient = null;
elseif (isset ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]))
  $ipClient = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$ratelimiter->set ("error-$ipClient") === false)
 throw new \Exception ("Too much error requests", 406);
echo "Below the rate-limit threshold\n";

If needed, the programmer can drop the ratelimiter entries for a specific identifier by using the "del" method.

The "clean" method remove the unused identifier if they are too old.

The class definition

Class Domframework\Ratelimitfile

Namespace Domframework


 The rate limit with file storage


public $debug=false;
 Debug the ratelimiting process to screen
public $maxEntries=10;
 The maximum number of entries by specified unit time
public $storageDir="data/ratelimit/";
 The storage directory
public $unittime=60;
 The unit time in seconds


public function clean ()
 The function clean the storage with expired entries
 @return bool

public function del ( $name)
 The function delete a rate-limit
 @param string $name The rate-limit object to del
 @return bool

public function set ( $name)
 The function set a rate-limit
 @param string $name The rate-limit object to set
 @return bool true if the rate-limit is not overloaded
              false if the rate-limit is overloaded