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IP addresses calculation

The IP addresses in IPv4 and IPv6 are complex to manage. In cause, the differents allowed formats.

The module allow to uncompress an IPv6 address (::1 is converted to 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001), compress the IPv6 address (1:0:0::1 is converted to 1::1), reverse an IP address (to use in DNS server in Reverse zones), calculate a CIDR associated to a IPv4 netmask.

It is also capable to determine if an IP is in or outside a network, based on the network address and the CIDR, which is the base of the routing softwares.

It allow to calculate the first and last address of a network, based on an IP and a CIDR. In IPv4, the first address is the network address and the last address is the broadcast address.

The class definition

Class Domframework\Ipaddresses

Namespace Domframework


 Manage the IP addresses conversions


No property available


public function cidr2netmask ( $cidr, $maskdirect=true)
 This function return the netmask associated to a CIDR.
 Work only on IPv4 addresses (CIDR between 0 and 32)
 @param string $cidr The CIDR to convert in netmask
 @param boolean|null $maskdirect If true return a direct mask, if false
 return a wildcard mask
 @return the mask
 @return false if the CIDR is not between 0 and 32

public function cidrToBin ( $cidr, $length)
 Return the provided CIDR in binary. Length must be in bytes.
 Return FALSE if the parameters are invalid
 @param integer $cidr The CIDR to convert
 @param integer $length The length to use

public function completeAddressWithZero ( $ip)
 Return the IP adddress with filling the fields with the missing zeros.
 Valid only on IPv6 (but don't change anything if the provided address is
 @param string $ip The IP to complete
 @return string The address in nibbles
 Example : $ip = "::", return "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"
 Example : $ip = "::ffff:",
           return "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:7f00:0001"

public function compressIP ( $ip)
 Return the IPv6 to compressed (or compact) form.
 Remove the 0 when they are placed on the begin of the nibble.
 Remove all the blocks only zero to convert them to :: (but only one time)
 Example: 2001:0660:530d:0201:0000:0000:0000:0124 => 2001:660:530d:201::124
 If an IPv4 is provided, return it without modification
 @param string $ip The IP to compress

public function groupIPv6 ( $ipv6)
 Get an IPv6 address with the format
 and return it with format
 Return false if the IP provided is not complete
 @param string $ipv6 The IPv6 to group

public function ipInNetwork ( $ip, $network, $cidr)
 This function return true if the provided address is in the provided
 network with the associated cidr
 @param string $ip The IPv4 or IPv6 to test
 @param string $network The IPv4 or IPv6 network base
 @param string $cidr The CIDR to apply
 @return boolean True if $ip is in $network/$cidr

public function netmask2cidr ( $netmask, $maskdirect=true)
 This function return the CIDR associated to the provided netmask
 Ex. Return 24 for a mask in direct
 Ex. Return 24 for a mask in wildcard
 Work only in IPv4
 Return FALSE if the provided mask is invalid ( by example)
 Throw an exception if the provided IP is invalid
 @param string $netmask The mask to convert in CIDR
 @param boolean|null $maskdirect If true check a direct mask, if false
 check a wildcard mask

public function networkFirstIP ( $ip, $cidr)
 Get the first IP of a network.
 IPv4 and IPv6 compatible
 @param string $ip The IPv4 or IPv6 in the network
 @param string $cidr The CIDR to apply
 @return string the network base
 Example : $ip="", $cidr=24 => return ""

public function networkLastIP ( $ip, $cidr)
 Get the last IP of a network.
 IPv4 and IPv6 compatible
 @param string $ip The IPv4 or IPv6 in the network
 @param string $cidr The CIDR to apply
 @return string the network base
 Example : $ip="", $cidr=24 => return ""

public function reverseIPAddress ( $ipReverse)
 Reverse the provided IP address
 The IPv6 are returned in format :
 @param string $ipReverse The IPv6 to reverse

public function str_base_convert ( $str, $frombase=10, $tobase=36)
 Base conversion with 128 bits support for IPv6
 Based on
 @param string $str The string to convert
 @param integer|null $frombase The base of the provided string (10 by
 @param integer|null $tobase The base of the returned string (36 by

public function uncompressIPv6 ( $ip)
 Return the IPv6 uncompressed (all the fields exists). They are not filled
 by zeros
 If the provided IP is IPv4, there is no change applied
 Return False if the parameter is invalid
 Based on
 @param string $ip The IP address to uncompress
 Example : $ip="::" => return "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0"
 Example : $ip = "::ffff:",
           return "0:0:0:0:0:0:ffff:7f00:1"

public function validCIDR ( $cidr)
 Return true if the provided CIDR is valid. The CIDR can be valid in IPv4
 or IPv6
 @param integer $cidr The CIDR to test
 @return boolean The CIDR is valid

public function validIPAddress ( $ip)
 Return true if the provided IP address is valid (IPv4 or IPv6)
 @param string $ip The IP Address to validate

public function validIPAddressWithCIDR ( $ip)
 Return true if the provided IP address is valid (IPv4 or IPv6) and the
 provided CIDR is valid too
 @param string $ip The IP Address to validate with a CIDR

public function validIPv4Address ( $ip)
 Return true if the provided IP address is valid and is IPv4
 @param string $ip The IP Address to validate

public function validIPv4AddressWithCIDR ( $ip)
 Return true if the provided IP address is valid and is IPv4 and the
 provided CIDR is valid too
 @param string $ip The IP Address to validate with a CIDR

public function validIPv4CIDR ( $cidr)
 Return true if the provided CIDR is valid. The CIDR can be valid in IPv4.
 @param integer $cidr The CIDR to test
 @return boolean The CIDR is valid

public function validIPv6Address ( $ip)
 Return true if the provided IP address is valid and is IPv6
 @param string $ip The IP Address to validate

public function validIPv6AddressWithCIDR ( $ip)
 Return true if the provided IP address is valid and is IPv6 and the
 provided CIDR is valid too
 @param string $ip The IP Address to validate with a CIDR

public function validIPv6CIDR ( $cidr)
 Return true if the provided CIDR is valid. The CIDR can be valid in IPv6.
 @param integer $cidr The CIDR to test
 @return boolean The CIDR is valid