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Authentication of the user

In the index.php page of the project, create the few lines :

require ("domframework/authentication.php");
$route = new Domframework\Route;
$authentication = new Domframework\Authentication ($route);
$authentication->appName = "Application !";
$authentication->authMethods = array ("ldap");
$authentication->authServers = array ("authldap"=>array (
$authentication->routes ();

In the REST part, add :

$route->output = "rest";
$route->viewClass ='\views\rest';
  $authREST = $authentication->verifAuthREST ();
catch (\Exception $e)
  $route->error ($e);

In the HTML part, add :

$route->output = "html";
$route->viewClass = '\views\general';
  $authHTML = $authentication->verifAuthHTML ();
catch (\Exception $e)
  $route->error ($e);

The class definition

Class Domframework\Authentication

Namespace Domframework


 All the authentication protocol


public $appName;
 The application Name displayed on authentication page
public $authMethods=array ();
 The authentication methods. Can be ldap, sympa...
public $authServers=array ();
 The authentication servers configuration
 array ("authXXXX" => array (
     array ("ldapserver"       => "ldaps://",
            "ldapport"         => 636,
            "ldaptimeout"      => 5,
            "ldapauth"         => "uid=XXX,dc=domain,dc=fr",
            "ldappwd"          => "XXX",
            "ldapbase"         => "",
            "ldapfilter"       => "(mail=%s)",
            "ldapfield"        => "mail",
            "ldapfiltersearch" => "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)"
public $debug=0;
 The debug of the authentication methods
public $htmlMethods=array (session);
 The html authentication methods. Can be : post, session, http, shibboleth,
 The "post" is already used when using verifAuthLoginPage method (usually
 only in authentication page)
public $loggingFunc;
 The class and method to use to log the errors
public $ratelimitAuth=3;
 Number of authentication maximum by minute
public $ratelimitDir="/tmp/ratelimit/";
 Directory to store the ratelimit files
public $restMethods=array (http,jwt);
 The rest authentication methods. Can be post, session, http, shibboleth,
 Attention : session case = CSRF !


public function __construct ( $route)
 The constructor
 @param object $route The route object

public function createJwtToken ( $auth)
 Return the JSON Web Token
 @param string|array $auth The user data to store in JSON Web Token cache.
 The $this->authServers["authjwt"]["algorithm"],
     $this->authServers["authjwt"]["cipherKey"] and
     $this->authServers["authjwt"]["serverKey"] can be set

public function debug ( $debug=null)
 Setter/Getter for debug
 @param integer|null $debug The debug value to get/set
 @return integer|self the actual value or this

public function logout ( $url="")
 Disconnect the user
 @param string|null $url The url to be redirected after a valid

public function pageHTML ( $url="")
 Display the login page
 @param string|null $url The url to be redirected after a valid

public function routes ()
 Add the authentication routes to the routing model for HTML
 authentication. Not needed if using shibboleth, HTTP auth...

public function verifAuthHTML ()
 Check all the others pages of the site
 @return array The details provided by the authentication mecanism

public function verifAuthLoginPage ( $url="")
 Check the authentication page
 @param string|null $url The url to be redirected after a valid

public function verifAuthREST ( $savePassword=false)
 Check all the REST API
 @param boolean|null $savePassword return the user password if the
 authentication is valid
 @return array The details provided by the authentication mecanism